Sunday, February 10, 2013

Winter Wings Art Show--Bald Eagles

Since we are heading to the refuge soon to study bald eagles, we decided to make bald eagle art for the upcoming Winter Wings Art Show.  It will be Feb. 14-17 at OIT, so please make sure to check it out!
The bunch began by re-examining Eric Carle's art very closely.  Then they went out to create the brown, white and yellow paper they would need for their collage.  This part consisted of mixing and applying lots of tempera, then scratching it with a variety of tools for texture.  Next day the bunch cut out shapes to create a collage of a bald eagle.  They also squeezed in a mini-vocabulary lesson by describing to me all the ways their eagles could be in action: swooping, soaring, perching, hunting, etc.!

Enjoy!  I LOVE these!


  1. Just love seeing this blog each time you post! Thank you Jessica for all your hard work in and out of the classroom! This is a dedicated teacher right here!
